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Uninvited Guests Planning to Attend Wedding

FREE SHIPPING on orders $25 and over!

Up to 50% less than retail

On Sale This Week at The Knot Wedding Shop

Dear Dr. Dave and Dr. Dee,

The wedding announcements have been sent out as well as RSVP request. All invitations were addressed to only the Mr. and Mrs. and excluded any children. However, a guest has RSVP'd as a couple and added their four children.


What do I do?

Dear What do I do,

It could be that the couple did not understand that the only guests invited to the wedding were those specifically addressed on the invitation.

You will have to call the couple on the phone and let them know that unfortunately, no children are invited to the wedding. You could further explain your reasons if you wish. For example, the number of guests has been limited due to financial constraints or this is going to be a small intimate wedding.

Also, let your immediate families and members of the wedding party know that there will be no children invited to the wedding so that they can spread the word as well.